Ideally, I'd like to work on roving or alternating projects. Perhaps the only way to work on some of these things would be to arrange to teach or attend a workshop, like a woven/felted scarf class.
It's hard to keep some of these activities going without a deadline to shoot for.
Woodblock Exchanges:
sent/arrived Printsy -- Seasons -- Aug. 1 -- 16, Size: 8.10" or smaller, $12 for packaging and shipping.
sent/arrived Baren #37 -- Voyages -- Aug. 1 -- 32 -- Image size: no restriction, SASE
Paper size:chuban 10 x 7.5 inches (25.5 x 19cm)
Paper type: no restriction
sent/arrived SWNS08 -- Canterbury Tales -- Aug. 1 -- Paper size: 7.5 x 11 inches -- 30-35, $10
Printing experiments to try:
multi-block prints -- same image, multi-blocks (a la Moku Hanga)
-- different images, multi-blocks (a la Marissa)
-- paleo-multi-blocks -- background block, different paleo-critter blocks
experiments with ink -- dry pigment (mix w/ alcohol first, then water) and rice paste ink (a la Moku Hanga)
-- water-mixed oil paints (adding water, turp, etc.)
-- color dispersions (concentrated color)
done carve a device block, so I can use the icon for lj, etc. Also so I can have a device block. ;-p Something vaguely medieval with clover, baabaa, etc.
device block, with laurel wreath aspects
remember to carve it backwards!
in color
steampunk element -- titanium arm on someone, perhaps airship captain
more steampunk blocks -- paleo-steampunk?
Print Studio -- Organize and get up and running
Weaving, Spinning, Sewing:
Woven Shibori
Natural Dyeing
Woven/felted scarves
Woven/beaded necklaces
Needle-woven tapestries
Knit socks
Kumihimo (awards chords)
color and weave mixs (green/blue color change)
new kimono from fleece, starry sheet
Steampunk gears & garb:
tiny gears as sequins, fringe on woven items
punch the center posts out of gears with a hammer and wood
-- alternately, use an awl and punch them out
time travel medallion to wear on a ribbon for Loscon
-- incorporate an actual watch into the mix so I can tell time; ;-j
--findings at the bead source;
pith helmet w/ silky veil; kimono jacket; cargo pants; leggings; sandals; mary janes (ordered from llbean); long gored skirt, ruffles; high-necked white blouse w/ ruffles
kimono jacket:
anachron traveler -- anachroneer -- with an anachronometer 8-]
a business/visiting card!
stripey socks.
Front yard garden -- coming along with allisum, lavendar, etc.
Back yard garden -- hey, at least the crepe myrtle is blooming (just add water)
Back yard make-over -- maybe next year ;-y
-- patio; sod; fountain
Roses -- always a possibility